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జిందం వాఐి
జిందం వాఐి @ jindam_vani
Posts 11
Comments 5

goodbye_ * is on cloudflare

  • second, i have no intention to use any services using cloudflare
  • how did i know_
    • fdroid_ settings_ repositories_ activate guardian project official relases
    • install torservices (alpha)
  • install privacy browser
    • settings_ proxy_ enable tor
  • visit *
  • screenshot_ !* on cloudflare

xclipboard_ utf-8 text are not displayed

  • i am using debian bookworm on proot-distro [ 1 ]
  • added in ~/.Xresources [ 2 ]
    • *international: true or xterm*international: true
  • it doesnt display utf-8 text
  • screenshot !utf-8 missing

[ 1 ] [ 2 ]

mastodon instance which does not send any emails
  • mastodon instance which does not send any emails

    • is there any mastodon instance which does not send any emails
    • i dont like any type of notifications
    • it must not send about access of my accounts from other locations, or any similar type of nuisance
    • its ok if i receive email for password reset requests

    luakit_ how do you save and use login credentials

    is there anyway to save and login credentials on luakit web browser [ 1 ]?

    [ 1 ]

    • @ping_
      • toots_
      • [matrix]_

    rmail_ how_ download emails for more than one smtp email account

    • download for account_ movemail -v pops:// ~/RMAIL
    • i have gmx account also
    • movemail does not allow custom mbox name for rmail_
    • how to download emails for more than one email smtp account [ gmx ]?
    noob guide_ termux gnu rmail pop3 multiple email servers
  • this code is for one [ my ] email id only

    replace my email id, smtp, etc..

    code is available also @_

    ~ /.emacs

    ;; pop3
    (require 'smtpmail)
    (require 'rmail)
    (setq user-mail-address "") 
    (setq user-full-name "జిందం వాఐి") 
    (setq smtpmail-smtp-user ""    
              smtpmail-smtp-server "" 
               smtpmail-smtp-service 465 
               smtpmail-stream-type 'ssl)
         rmail-preserve-inbox 1                     ; Don't delete mail from server
         rmail-mail-new-frame 1                     ; Compose in a full frame
         rmail-delete-after-output 1                ; Delete original mail after copying
         rmail-mime-prefer-html nil                 ; Prefer plaintext when possible
         rmail-file-name   "~/mail/inbox"           ; The path to our inbox file
         rmail-secondary-file-directory "~/mail"    ; The path to our other mbox files
         message-default-headers "Fcc: ~/mail/sent") ; Copy sent mail to the "sent" file
    ;; Debug
    (setq smtpmail-debug-info t)
    (setq smtpmail-debug-verb t)
    ;; html
     shr-use-fonts nil  ; Don't load fancy fonts
     shr-indentation 2  ; A left-margin of 2 columns
     shr-use-colors nil ; Don't load special colors
     shr-width 32       ; Fix width to 70 columns
     shr-bullet "• ")   ; A bullet character for <li> elements
    ;; tls
    (setq rmail-movemail-flags "--tls")
    ;; Use Mail mode to compose messages (default)
    (setq mail-user-agent 'sendmail-user-agent)
    ;; If you're using rmail
    (setq read-mail-command 'rmail)
    ;;(setq rmail-primary-inbox-list
    &nbsp; ;;&nbsp; &nbsp; (cons (concat "pop3://"
    &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ;;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ""
    &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;;;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; "") nil))
    ;; The mail URL, specifying a remote mail account
    ;; (Omit this to read from /var/mail/user)
  • how configure w3m to render wikipedia page with frames on termux

    • installed w3m on termux
    • run $ w3m -F and $ w3m
    • it does not display similar to image on commons_
    • screenshot_ !w3m en wikipedia page
    clone repo and update it occassionally without username and password

    If I understand OP’s explanation correctly, they’re simply trying to make a, possibly selfhosted, copy of a GitHub repo.

    • yes, you are correct in sense.
    • all i am trying to do is keep a copy of upstream repo. similar to mirroring repo.
    • i have to remove git push origin master
    • i will again check after few days whether the command is correct
  • clone repo and update it occassionally without username and password

    • clone repo [ size_ 34 mb ]
    • added $ git remote add citer url
    • but when $ git checkout master &amp;&amp; git fetch citer &amp;&amp; git pull --rebase citer master &amp;&amp; git push origin master
    • the above command requires github username and password
    • i dont want to create account on github
    • i will not create pull requests
    • is there any way to keep clone uptodate with remote without requiring github username &amp; password

    noob guide_ termux gnu rmail pop3 multiple email servers

    • installed emacs and use rmail as email client for multiple pop3 email servers with [ gmail, yahoo, etc.. ].
    • is there any good guide to setup rmail as email client on termux?

    otter browser_ blink or webkit based?

    i am bit confused by engines of it after reading on wikipedia [ 1 ]. there are only few commits related to webkit [ 2 ]. i am wondering which engine is most supported by otter browser. if both of them are supprted equally, how do i switch them?

    [ 1 ] [ 2 ]


    verification loop, unable to login, on web browsers available on fdroid_ videos

    • smartcookieweb v 16.3_
    • fulguris web&nbsp; browser v 1.9.8_
    • privacy browser v 3.15.1_
    • foss browser v 9.11_
    • einkbro v 10.11.0_
    • monocles browser v 1.7.1_

    installation and configuration of tigervnc on opensuse tumbleweed

    • installed opensuse tumblweed on proot-distro
    • accessing tumbleweed using x11vnc on multivnc
    • it has slow redraw or sometimes terrible sluggish
    • installed tigervnc but completly lost about how to configure? ex: vncserver command is not found
    • if possible i request you to create a guide about installation &amp; configuration of tigervnc or anyother vnc of your choice