Greg Abbott Axes Water For Texas Construction Workers Amid 3-Digit Temperatures 1 0
Burke. Close to my job in DC. Really nice here.
I don't think we should strive to have as big a userbase as reddit. 1 0
I’m just glad there isn’t the dang karma thing. That was a downfall to many folks and posts and not so great content. Also larger instances right now are shuddering from the Reddit hug.
Greg Abbott Axes Water For Texas Construction Workers Amid 3-Digit Temperatures 0 0
I suck. We moved to northern VA for work. Night and day.
Samuel Alito Could Go Up to Bat for His Billionaire Friend Again 16 0
The SCOTUS is legit just scum with robes.
Greg Abbott Axes Water For Texas Construction Workers Amid 3-Digit Temperatures 0 0
Why we just moved away. Texas as a thought was great. The reality was buying some clownshoes and then putting them on your head.
At what point does this go beyond reasonable for home use? 0 0
UDMP checking in. This looks nice :) it’s all overkill but must have 🧐
where are you from? 1 0
Just moved from NBTX to VA after working for the state of Texas for almost 20 years. You ought to look at down that way, esp before Austin gentrifies it :)