My ISP has taken total control of my network
jahruhn @mastodon.online 1 0

@hedders @LinkOpensChest_wav if US citizen migrate to Europe for that reason, does that make them technical refugees? :)
If iFixit starts selling steamdeck motherboards, can you buy just a motherboard and make a console-only version? Same motherboard, just no screen, battery, buttons.
*Permanently Deleted*
jahruhn @mastodon.online 2 0

@ritchie @lauha https://techcrunch.com/2022/11/14/apple-faces-new-lawsuit-over-its-data-collection-practices-in-first-party-apps-like-the-app-store/ as long as there are share holders, data is collected to present to the share holders. I think all big tech companies collect and use data, for their benefit.