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“Eradicating the issue of overdue wages is the essence of ensuring labor-management relationship go…

S. Korea experiences the worst case of overdue wages

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the amount of overdue wages in the U.S. last year was 156.15 million dollars, and the number of victims was 135,067 last year. Meanwhile, South Korea would reach 1.7 trillion won in amount and over 300,000 victims last year. The country’s economic size based on GDP is 1/15 of the U.S., yet its amount of overdue wages is eight times larger than that of the U.S.


Korea considers drafting orphans, N. Korean defectors amid population decline

The Military Manpower Administration (MMA) has been considering expanding military conscription to orphans and North Korean defectors to compensate for armed forces personnel shortages and the low birthrate, an opposition lawmaker said Saturday.