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Islamic Audiobooks Central
Islamic Audiobooks Central @ islamicaudiobooks

Independent publisher and distributor of audiobooks.

Find our books on Google Play (DRM-free), Apple Books, Spotify and Audible as well as in public libraries, our website and our YouTube and LBRY/Odysee channels.

We love and use #gnuLinux and #OpenSource / #FreeSoftware for professional audio production!

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Comments 4
What is your favourite [#fdroid]( app? Would be interested if I can discover a few new cool apps, I missed until now. Thank you already for sharing! [@fdroid](https
  • @kirschner @fdroid
    - Amethyst, a client for the free/open #Nostr protocol
    - @delta, a chat app using #email with support for #Autocrypt standard
    - @AntennaPod podcast player
    - Voice, for playing #DRM-free audiobooks
    - KreptEY, keyboard for #e2ee communication using any messenger
    - Rethink: DNS + Firewall
    - Fast Shopping, old but beautiful gold.

  • Talk at MoneroKon about SimpleX Chat current and future design [](
  • @monerchanlover Yes I'm pretty sure that's what an app being in the F-droid main repo necessitates as it's compiled by the F-droid team from it's source code.