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How Good at Math Does a Programmer Need to Be?
  • I agree with the other answers that it depends on the type of programming you end up doing..the nature of the program being developed, but having a background in discrete math is great to have just in case.

    From my experience, there can be unexpected problems where you will advantage from having grasp at discrete math. I worked on a project for a telecom company where they wanted a simulation to predict the impact on network coverage if a specific cell tower (BTS) was uninstalled. I ended up relying heavily on the cross-product formula and some ray-casting algorithms to model how coverage would shift in the area.

  • [KDE Plasma] Solarized Dark - First Try Ricing KDE Plasma
  • Thanks! That's actually the default of Plasma's Oxygen theme, I just adjusted the color little bit. But I especially love 'metallic' feel of it though, that's why I love Enlightenment's aesthetics so much.

  • Unixporn inline_caching

    [KDE Plasma] Solarized Dark - First Try Ricing KDE Plasma

    My first time trying to rice KDE Plasma. Surprisingly good, though, considering little effort was put. I just solarized-darkening everything in sight.

    Still can't decide
  • I managed to code 100% in nvim after I realized vscode taking almost 5gb storage for caches and the extensions