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inaction_figure Inaction Figure

I'm just this guy, you know? ReactJS developer, fan of Yeshua, FOSS, and Slide Rules. Ex Volunteer Wildland Firefighter & EMT \#AmYisraelChai #StandWithIsrael #October7 #SlideRules #AmateurRadio #WebDev #JavaScript

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Comments 3
switch(true) gotcha
  • @julian

    Some really dislike switch. It's ok to like and use switch for its intended purpose, as long as you understand its idiosyncrasies.

    Thanks for sharing this!

  • [Solved, short of] Issue with Dolphin folders icons
  • @ColdWater

    Did anyone report it at ? I had a Quick Look and I didn’t see it.

  • KDE is working on an M$ Word alternative?
  • @Blaster_M @SeekPie

    I wouldn’t say #LibreOffice hates tables. LibreOffice does good work with tables.

    I WOULD say that MS Word and LibreOffice **disagree vehemently** about tables.