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imoldgreeeg imoldgreeeg
Posts 1
Comments 3
One in five Australian renters are living without essential items and in poverty, peak body study finds
  • Yeah there are a couple of metrics. The main two are the median salary of all adults which includes a lot of people not in the workforce (zero wage) and then the median salary for anyone "employed" (working any hours) which would be higher.

    Dunno what the latest number are but at a guess mid 50s looks like the total median and 80ish is the median of job holders

    (.median is used because mean is skewed by outliers like billionaires. Median means half of the people measured are below and half above)

  • The fierce reaction to Australia’s new Future Fund mandate reflects how much has changed since 2006 | John Quiggin
  • Can you not share articles? It's an open forum, share whatever is relevant and interesting.

  • Australian Tech imoldgreeeg

    Recommendations for a good developer (Ubuntu) laptop

    My old xps13 is old in the tooth and the new ones have some things I don't like. So I am after recommendations. My preferences

    • Linux (Ubuntu/Debian friendly). Happy to wipe and install and will check compatibility beforehand but if anyone has a Linux daily driver they love let me know
    • good CPU and decent RAM (32gb would be nice)
    • Lightweight - smaller preferred (currently on a 13" and happy)
    • Touchscreen would be nice
    • Usb-c
    • Decent battery life

    I have access to other machines for heavy GPU stuff that's not as important as CPU and RAM.


    • Programming/terminal use
    • Reading docs and papers
    • Watching movies etc
    • No gaming

    That's my wishlist. What do you suggest, Aussie tech friends?
