Earth time on invasion time seems different.. instead 7.59AM, its 7.99AM
Wow, only 30 days these days? Iirc when cambridge analytica fiasco it need 90 days to fully deleted facebook account. I did mine tho. I download all my facebook data, they gave me link of zip item that if u extract it look like full page html old facebook look like. After i download all my data i delete my account for good. And few months ago i create an account with all fake info mail name etc just to access fb marketplace. Somehow i need it to find some stuff nearby.
i got one, thank you, will try later when i got home. The other code, some already redeemed or not for my region. Thanks OP..
Memmy and mlem is outstandingly awesome. Latest update on mlem also “chef kiss”, i have 2 account on different instances, even tho app have ability to use more than one account in one app, i use both mlem and memmy for different purpose of each account. Im happy the development of lemmy. Thank you dev..
Nope, as long its not more than 100 api trigger in a minute. CMIIW
Easiest one, appdb. Github is the real source. Ill update when i found the github link
Yep, the one who mod is someone else. Like add tweak to an app
Im using apollo with own api (custom apolo ipa, sideloaded). Im not gonna let reddit to get the money from ads.
I failed 3days no poop in a half day.. cant hold it 😅😅
reeder for ios
been using this for sometimes on on my rss reader app. Great for viewing posts without opening reddit