That’s really cool. Amazing job.
My ideal timeline would be a full tear down and rebuild with Scottie being at the center of that. Trading for Dame eliminates that direction.
I don’t believe we are good enough with Dame to contend and a second move would require sending Siakam/OG which based on current belief are rated to high by the raptors hurting their return or are not valued high enough by teams around the league. Both which hurt the team and don’t really add enough positive value in versus value going out.
But I agree, currently there is no one timeline but two which is messing everything up.
Dame doesn’t put us anywhere near competing. Doesn’t make sense, timelines don’t match up.
You’re completely right from an asset management perspective. I’m just commenting on the human element. If Morey promised and reneged, I can understand why he’s pissed and wants to be traded.
If Morey promised Harden a handshake deal to which he reneged, I don’t blame Harden for his stance and still wanting to be traded.
Saddling Mike Breen.
Majority of his wealth (pre-selling the Hornets) came from Jordans made in sweatshops… I would not call that ethical.
You’re completely right, they are screwed either way. I just think with their new stadium opening soon and the higher tax thresholds, they are going to play a little hardball.
Yes they can but no they shouldn’t.
He was advised by his agents (wrongly) that he wasn’t at risk of losing any money. I think that contributed to his decision to sit out.
He ended up getting it back for the most part. I believe it was part of the trade or under the guise of mental health. Unless I’m misremembering.
Kyrie is the only person to actually sit out and give up money. I’d like to see how long it takes before Dame reports when he loses out on 50 mil. All talk to try and force a trade to Miami.
I’m on the unsure about Chet train but these highlights are starting to show me something.
Good luck. No one is paying that for Grant Williams. A second maybe.
Very true. I think the idea of Bol Bol is better than the real thing.
I agree but I doubt anyone takes him or they get sufficient value. They’re stuck with this team until he expires.
This episode felt very lacklustre. It missed on the tech mark (barely anything tech related) and the horror element wasn’t fully committed to. Walking the line of tech and horror has not been working this season and Black Mirror needs to commit to one or the other.
I like em. Very clean.
I thought I’d miss the void that r/nba left but this has grown (and keeps growing) as a community. Been trying to do my part by being much more active than I was on Reddit.
I love ANT and he’s the future of the wolves but this team just makes no sense. Hopefully another year with Gobert and they’ll prove me wrong.