Stil learning about SD1111, but slowly getting the hang of it learning something new everyday.
When trying a new Lora I often copy-pasta a promt from their example to see if everything works as it should. Then I find read in detail to find out how it works and combine it with some of "mine" promts. And you right, less promts can be better. The page i used to start this new addiction used A TON of promts, first needed to find out about how it works.
I'm not quite sure what you mean about the Lora. Yes Ussing 1111, and know about the button that shows the Lora. The Lora's worked great here. Though must say that the Lora prompt doesn't include the "<" which is required in the promt, that's because the content disappear, has something todo with the text formation.
Oh, it's an link. Have just found out about negative prompt packages today. There is so much to consider and tweak.
I tried just for a few minutes "easy-diffusion" is supposed to use less vram. Cant quite comment on that, though it is slower then AUTOMATIC1111. Power useage is also way lower then using easy compared to 1111. So havnt actully used it to for real. Image generation is already slow as it is..
Havnt seen it until now, lol. Running though so many promts I'm not even looking to close.
I'm using headless debian 12 on my PC with proprietary driver for my old 980 (4GB) and connect to the PC via SSH on my laptop. Installed AUTOMATIC1111 SD and start it with --listen. That way I can connect to the web UI on my laptop.
Though I still get memory error every so often when doing 512x768... But if I quite the program and start it again it runs.
I know here as Laura cross. The images are like 10 years old.
But doesn't change the fact that she's a hotty.