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„Mein Wald wächst auch ohne Autos“

Ich finde es wesentlich befriedigender Naturschutz zu machen, als zu fordern. Aber beides ist wichtig. Zum Glück gibt es viel Gelegenheit zum aktiven Naturschutz. Meist wird man dreckig dabei.

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It's a pretty solarpunk fact that small, distributed wind turbines use steel more efficiently than big centralised ones
  • That‘s interesting. My understanding was that wind speed/force rises exponentially with heigth and so a 150 high turbine is much more powerful than a 50 m high turbine - and not only 3 times as powerful, as one expects.

  • The world’s largest direct carbon capture plant just went online
  • Tey press it in the ground near volcsnos where it turns into limestone. The plant is powered by geothermal.