I may be wrong but I believe that all of the systemd programs are decoupled. You can run the systemd init system without any resolved or networkd. They just happen to be used by default on a lot of distros.
Convenience is often a tradeoff for power. Nobody is claiming that vi and its derivatives are convenient, they're saying it's powerful.
Personally I'm much much faster using neovim than I could be using something like vscode. There's a myriad of other benefits that modal text editing brings to the table, not having to use a mouse and constantly switch back and forth being a big one for me.
I believe the reason is that bash is backwards compatible with sh and sh only has [ ], not [[ ]]
typeractive.xyz is great. It's run by the maker of the nice!nano microcontroller which is one of the defacto standards for wireless splits. They can be built without any soldering if you get the no solder hot swap headers (for the MCU)
The main controller you're looking for is the Hasu controller. It seems to be out of stock though so sourcing it might be hard. That replaces the mini usb with usb c and gives you QMK support. I think you do have to file the housing a bit since usb C is wider than mini usb
As for wireless, I'm not too sure of a ready made solution but you could look into using a nice!nano if you're up for some tricky testing/wiring; that supports wireless over BLE
Yes, it's pretty much that simple but you will also need to change your stabs since there are now two keys to stabilize. That means you might have to take pretty much the whole board apart depending on what kind of stabs you have. It will likely be 2 × 2u stabs
I put my arrows on a layer under hjkl but I've also heard ijkl and wasd are popular for that
Check out the quefrency 65 rev 5 by keeb.io. It seems to match your criteria pretty well. For palm/wrist rests I use two purple squishies
When they say dying battery, I don't think they mean discharging. They mean the battery has reached or is reaching the end of its life in terms of charge cycles and capacity