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IOF soldiers charged for raping Palestinian detainee at Sde Teiman torture camp
  • @AnarchoBolshevik One. This is a joke, right? Rape of arab captives is endemic and considered perfectly legal by the zionist government.

  • Exclusive: Jordan ready for war with Israel if Palestinians are expelled into its territory
  • @Keeponstalin This is MUCH MORE important from a US FP POV. The #saudis and #russia have been negotiating a deal if they decide to dump the US as an ally according to pepe escobar a year or so ago. Like #Turkey, they COULD AFFORD, economically and diplo-geopolitically, to say buhbye to the USA.

  • Exclusive: Jordan ready for war with Israel if Palestinians are expelled into its territory
  • @Keeponstalin I know that their 'king' has been a zionist dicksucker... For a long time too. Just the fact Jordan still has a 'king' speaks volumes about how REPRESSED Jordan's civilians are. It's a ball-less NATO satrap and the idea of it going to war with Israel is laughable.

  • I don’t want to argue about genocide. I just want to honor Mahmoud.
  • @pete_link ps. Bernjob is the Left Trump. He has you believe someone will change things. NOT 1 PERSON IN POWER will change 1 damn thing. Everything is going as intended. NO POLITICIAN will abandon our front line client state in an OILWAR they KNEW would occur since the 1st bbl was shipped from an aramco terminal in 1915+-. Similarly the OTHER NAZI remnant Ukraine, near the world's largest natural gas deposits in the caspian basin. To abandon them means the end of US society as you understand it.

  • I don’t want to argue about genocide. I just want to honor Mahmoud.
  • Lots of caps for EMPHASIS @pete_link because you seem fond of the NYTimes for your 'information', so I figure EMPHASIS is required to GET MY POINT ACROSS.

    The NYTimes is owned by a Zionist Jewish Family, and it's 'information' is garbage... similarly the CIA-Fronting WaPo.

  • I don’t want to argue about genocide. I just want to honor Mahmoud.
  • I remember he died due to #Genocide, and this guy, Pro-Israel or not, should stfu if he wants to avoid it, BECAUSE THAT IS what this is ALL ABOUT. IT IS NOT, NOR WAS IT, AND NEVER WILL BE, ABOUT ONE INDIVIDUAL, NOR WOULD THE VICTIM WANT IT TO BE...

    GOT THAT? @pete_link
    Cc @palestine

  • Tlaib: Congress “Can No Longer Deny” Israeli Genocide After Amnesty Report
  • Remembering that time four months ago when CONgress gave #Netanyahu a record-breaking fifty eight standing ovations in the span of fifty three minutes or so, now that almost all International watchdog agencies, even #AmnestyInternational, friendly to western governments, agree they were applauding @israel #genocide in #Gaza @palestine.

    More above the fold via @davel

  • Heritage Foundation Has a Plan to Take Down the Palestine Solidarity Movement
  • @Garibaldee Boilerplate quotes from the articles are good... 😉

  • What to Know About the Attacks on Israeli Soccer Fans in Amsterdam (New York Times, 2024-11-08)
  • "What to Know About the Attacks on Israeli Soccer Fans in #Amsterdam (New York Times, 2024-11-08)" Is a Complete WhiteWashing and obviously so. Just the headline alone is garbage. The riots started with attacks on Palestinians homes and individuals. Cite at bottom.

    " article link*"

    via @adachika192, above the fold @israel

  • Wind and Solar Produced More Energy Than Coal in the U.S. From January Through July This Year, a First - EcoWatch
  • Dont forget to truecost the coal and other petroproducts needed to power the factories that make these high tech lifestyle savers. The alloys and composite materials needed REALLY SUX IT you know @SteveKLord ?

    Ps. We're never shown all the DIESEL TRUCK TRAFFIC and other vehicles all over new roadways in RURAL environments required to maintain this high tech trash... Almost none of it recyclable.

  • where are your Palestinian flags beside your nickname, good guys?
  • @WuTang Know the nice thing about flags, troll? They're all the same color when they BURN. Unfortunately so are CHARRED #PALESTINIANS BODIES. Human Rights Watch: Israel of using white phosphorus munitions in Gaza, Lebanon Now crawl back into your Lemming hole.