Aranock-Online; Still available, but nothing like its earlier days, predictably.
Instead of visiting the Mall of America and shopping at only what the mall will offer, using outdated infrastructure-- you can instead visit a variety of towns ("instances") which each host their own cute boutiques ("communities") specializing in a particular sort of item (whatever the topic of the community is). The instances can have their own rules that apply to its communities, but communities can also make their own rules, like a shop can. Skip the crowds and barely functional Supermall experience and find a better place to engage in discussion and get information.
Oh, thanks for clarifying! I thought I commit an unknown aggravating behaviour. Feel much better with your comment. 🙇
Am I OP being called 💩?
I honestly don't know much about this. I wasn't suggesting it was. I was trying to ask as I'm also new to all of this. 😵💫
For this service, is the same login as Lemmy used, or a totally new one? It's confusing to me when these Fedithings interact and when they do not. Sorry if this is obvious! 😵💫
We got our cat from a human society, during a cheapo 45$ sale (typically 125$ or so). He was returned by a previous purchaser, I think because he hated other cats (still does). He's the best thing I ever bought. 😍 Such a character, and now he has SOOOOO many windows to enjoy, instead of a tiny little cage. 😔
As someone who totally fell off the running boat when I moved to an urban location without sidewalks, make the effort to go that extra 20 mins to the half-mile loop. You'll thank yourself. 😭