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The New York Times is failing the U.S.: a great news organization would care more about democracy than entertainment.
  • I like the New York times. I think people conflate their opinion section from their news coverage. Their opinion section skews liberal so people think the nytimes is liberal. But their news room is pretty center, and especially post pandemic they try to report news in a down the middle, it will do a more both sides stuff.

  • Will House Democrats defend the speaker against unseating?
  • Only if he makes a deal with Dems which makes him (politically) a dead man walking. Most likely they will just run out the clock until November when there are new elections. Republicans have a two seat majority out of hundreds, they can't do much without bipartisan support and that is not going to happen in this aggressive political atmosphere.

  • Israel-Gaza live news: IDF resumes strikes as ceasefire with Hamas ends - BBC News
  • Everyone always says the answer is that the "other side" stop being violent and be nice. It never happens. So my question to the liberals is, if being nice doesn't work, what's your answer to the situation? Have Israel disarm and let Hamas murder Israelis with impunity? Have Hamas disarm and have Israel settle palistine with impunity? It's been 70 years of this. And by 70 I really mean about 7000.

  • Trans Girls Belong on Girls' Sports Teams
  • Genuian question here, are there any studies on bone structure and joint strength of trans athletes? The article says there's no scientific evidence to prevent trans athletes but only talks about testosterone. The complains I have heard center more around a person who had natural male hormones until say 16, and so had puberty male growth in bones and joints to support male muscle mass. Then, transitioned. The hormone levels would be the same as any other female athlete, but would prior bone and joint growth be "locked in"?

    Does that give an advantage? Especially in a sport like swimming where arm length and shoulder size are so critical for the physics of propultion through water.

  • The Straight Moderate:
  • I liked it. I think there may be a difference between American moderates today with LGBTq and American moderates in the past on racial issues. In the US moderates are pretty progressive on lgb issues (Idk about the t yet) compared to the rest of the world (including South America in my understanding). But American moderates were pretty behind on racial issues in the 60s, as it was still decades before interracial relationship on TV were shown regularly or interracial marriage was legal.

    In the US at least there has been real progress in most cities that make up the majority of the population, or suburbs where all the moderates in the US live. Political progress comes in stutter steps with political power since not much gets done.

  • These cities are ending fares on transit. Here's why
  • In Chicago the whole system was designed for you to pay before you get on. There's a turnstile to get into the station, and you can only get on the front of the bus and tap before you enter. So fares are actually a large percentage of the budget (I looked it up, it's about 35% pre-pandemic, post pandemic the numbers got all weird). I have no idea why the system is designed in SF where you can essentially "jump" on for free and never pay.

  • How are cishet people viewed in general in the LGBTQ community?
  • In my experience it's a spectrum that can range from friendly, to hate, like any other diverse groups of people.

    I've been in a lot of LGBTQ spaces, or in spaces adjacent to those spaces, including dating and roommates and friends etc. The majority of the time everyone is friendly and it's a great community. Just be respectful and treat everyone like a human being.

    But, there are some spaces that as a cis-het person you are not welcome and and not wanted. For example, my roommate was in a Gay volleyball league, and though I would have liked to go I was never invited, and the general vibe was that cis guys are really not allowed. My sister is a lesbian, and especially in lesbian spaces cis-het there can be a real discomfort to even dislike for cis-het men. I've personally heard on two separate occasions lesbian women say that they "hate all cis-men" (I think they assumed I wasn't cis, I don't always present cis-het).

    So don't assume that every space will be open to you, and that every person will want to be friends with you, and it's because you are cis-het. As an ally that can sting sometimes, being excluded because of your sexual orientation, but that's how it is. Just remember that most people are really great, and there's a lot of history and circumstances that led to the creation of those LGBTQ only spaces. Good luck!

  • Kyle Kuzma hits free agency
  • washington should just pay him. They are tanking anyways, and he gets to be the face of the franchise, but he is kinda swiss army knife enough that whomever they draft later will fit in with him.