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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 7
Comments 10
cute dogs, cats, and other animals giraffebiscuit

Finally caught Pierogi doing a sleep blep!


A tree fell on my mom's philodendron selloum

If you look really close, you can see the poor things roots under a very large branch.

  • I just added this one to my TBR! The synopsis reminds me of a shorter Three Body Problem (which I really...liked? I'm not sure that's even the right word for that series lol).

  • Horror
    cute dogs, cats, and other animals giraffebiscuit

    Pierogi wants my pizza

    Aspartame: Sweetener used in Diet Coke possibly causes cancer, WHO set to declare
  • I'm so happy that I'm able to make a lot of things that my family eats from scratch. Bread does not need sugar/HFCS in it to be tasty! Really the only things I buy pre made now is pasta (I'm learning how to make spaghetti noodles, but elbow noodles remain elusive lol).

  • Do you think younger generations will enjoy Futurama (both new/upcoming episodes and older content)?
  • There will always be shows where the references go over the viewers heads. Hell, I've had to Google so much from The Golden Girls that I didn't understand. My 10 year old and 7 year old both love Futurama. The characters are timeless.

  • cute dogs, cats, and other animals giraffebiscuit

    Ozzy can sploot with the best of them!

    cute dogs, cats, and other animals giraffebiscuit

    Here's my girl, Pierogi!
