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Ex-IT guru - mainframe OS & large system architecture design; leading central government along the path of righteousness. So long ago now that I can't even remember which bits I've forgotten.

Author of four novels. Oh, and a collection of flash fiction created in a mad moment that lasted 100 days.

Cover: A slice of Gatekeeper's artwork Avatar: Me

Mastodon: @garretguy Web:

\#fantasy #sciencefiction #author #indieauthor

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Comments 3
A Star Trek Movie Should've Been Out This Weekend
  • I think there's still hope. At least, that's my take on this article, even though it has some doom-laden words about the ongoing search for a director, etc.

  • 11 Overused Tropes in Sci-Fi Movies That Make Us Roll Our Eyes
  • Anatomically Correct Aliens
    My only memory of work where this isn't the case, is China Mieville's Perdido Street Station, where the MC is partnered with (in simple terms) an ant. He doesn't go into much about the mechanics of the relationship (thankfully), but it's an interesting and original idea, executed with his trademark lack of explanation or exposition. It's just introduced almost as a throwaway detail; part of regular life in New Crobuzon.

    Recognisable Tech
    There's an obvious limit to how futuristic tech can be without making it _un_recognisable. Something like the optical transfer of files from one screen or device to another, such as appears in Minority Report and which has become ubiquitous in the 20 years since, is instantly grokked without needing to understand exactly how it works. More advanced tech has two potential problems: how to represent it, and how to recognise what it is. What would a direct neural interface look like on-screen? Improvements in wearable tech are eminently predictable. What they'll look like, if they're visible at all, not so much. And it's too easy to criticise writers/directors for utilising today's tech, when guessing what tomorrow's will be is either extremely difficult, or risks early ridicule when the guess takes a wrong turn.

  • [Discussion Thread] How can we grow the /m/scifi community?
  • Gotta agree with everyone who said "content" so I thought I'd float some ideas on what attractive content might look like. Bear in mind I'm coming at this from an author's perspective (so, bias) while at the same time trying to avoid ideas that might taste a bit like self-promo. Pretty sure I'm gonna fail at that last part, but let's see.

    • Meet the author ("gonna fail" == "have failed")
      "...aimed at fans and creators of sci fi..." so there must be more than just me here. Who and where are you? Shout up. A weekly(?) feature. Whether you're published or not. You might agree with the distinction "A writer is someone who writes; and author is someone who has written" or not. You might as yet only be dreaming of writing. But the journey of a 100k novel begins with the first sentence.
    • Throw that book* review up
      *film, game, TV episode
    • My favourite trope
      Androids, AI, nanobots, cyborgs, worm holes, psi-powers, time travel, whatever. Why do you like it? Or hate it? Where was it done best/worst? How could it be done better/fresher/more realistically?
    • Favourite cancelled TV series
      God knows there are enough to choose from.

    Turns out that's all the time I have for now. Feel free to continue the list ;o)