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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Are ‘mom-and-pop’ investors pricing out first-time homebuyers?
  • It is most certainly the government's business providing housing for its citizens. Like we did, the state- and thereby the people (who own the fucking state), collectively owned like half of all homes in the country. Rent was dirt cheap, anything belonging to the apartment or house was the responsibility of the landlord (a communal entity) to maintain on their own buck, everyone could easily get a home, and it was considered one of the social wonders of the world.

    Then the capitalists bought their way into government, sold it all, and now we have a "housing crisis".

    Conservatives- they sure know how to create a good life for everyone.

  • Are ‘mom-and-pop’ investors pricing out first-time homebuyers?
  • Look, capitalism works. There are no problems and everybody is happy. As long as we keep pumping out children and just build build build, and then skim some off the top and invest in lawyers and lobbyists to change democracy for the better, we will all be rich and also ok.

  • Are ‘mom-and-pop’ investors pricing out first-time homebuyers?
  • Did you know that the original version of Monopoly was called "The Landlord's Game", and was used as a teaching aid to teach the poor about the inherent immorality and inevitable loss of freedom and equality land ownership entails? Then a capitalist came along, stole the whole thing, rebranded it Monopoly, and made a shitload of money.'s_Game

  • Awesome, here comes more greed fuelled corporate inflation
  • I don't understand why anyone would downvote this.

    I did a few times when the "anti-AMP" robot came on Reddit. I was so annoyed by them like, "removed, don't tell me my link is dodgy, I didn't ask for your help". Then I clicked the little "Why?" link in those posts and learned exactly why they were right and I was a dumb little crybaby.

  • Awesome, here comes more greed fuelled corporate inflation
  • "Let's play a game where everyone just tries to get as much for themselves as possible. Together! That way, we can utilize the human species' most base emotions and cardinal sins in our favor! And then let that game run forever, and put in control of every single aspect of society, the planet, and people's minds. That way, EVERYBODY GETS RICHER/WINS!"

    The emperor has no clothes and is standing in the middle of the town square jerking off.

    And we accept that, apparently.

  • Canada Had Designs on Being a Hydro Superpower. Now Its Rivers and Lakes Are Drying Up.
  • I never get over how stupid their arguments are.

    "Science says this is bad."
    "Oh yeah, well they are just in it for the money!"

    Sure, those filthy rich academics dedicating their life to the pursuit of truth and science are such corporate hogs. The global petrochemical industry on the other hand you can trust, because they would never lie or endanger lives for money. They are idealists.

  • Canada Had Designs on Being a Hydro Superpower. Now Its Rivers and Lakes Are Drying Up.
  • Science says this is very much happening across the world. The ecological impact of hydroelectric power generation is very, very well studied and agrees with the general sentiment of the article.

    Fuck WSJ but let's not ignore science out of spite.

  • Canada Had Designs on Being a Hydro Superpower. Now Its Rivers and Lakes Are Drying Up.
  • I read up until the word "narrative". Anyone using that word is way too influenced by corporate controlled media to be taken seriously.

    I will die on this hill, because I've studied the evolution of right wing propaganda over the past 30 years.

    Remember "Fair", and "Balanced"? Remember "slant"? Remember "bias"? Remember "partisan"? "Narrative" is the new black, and it serves the exact same purpose- to convey the idea that everything is a matter of personal opinion, there is no right or wrong, and by extension there is no objective reality.

    The purpose is to create a general sense that nothing you hear on the news is to be trusted, because everything is presented out of some hidden agenda, and since everyone has an agenda and everyone is obviously a miserly selfish narcissist like conservatives who ever only think about themselves, then why should you trust anyone?

    Republican Agenda 101:

    "Scientists say that a comet will annihilate all life on Earth one week from now."
    "Yeah they say that, but I heard that they are suicidal. They want the Earth to be destroyed! Did you know that they are also gay trans monsters who eat your babies at night? How can you trust them?"
    "But the science..."
    "That science was made by rich fat cat academics in the pockets of the government."
    "Actually, private corporations have far more inf..."
    "*snicker* Oh great another nut conspiracy communist fascist democrat! What did I tell you, mob, they are all the same"

    It's so classic it's not even funny anymore.