There has been a power struggle in the Democratic Party, and the old guard that were centrists have largely been replaced by those who lean farther left. But both are still fighting over power within the party. In fact, one of the main complaints of Democratic voters is that their beliefs had not changed, but the Democrat Party moved farther and farther away from their beliefs.
I agree, in the sense that I think that a lot of Democrats are indeed centrists, and the Green Party is probably more consistent with what Europeans think is left.
But the current Democratic Party is not was it was 15 to 20 years ago, when it was a centrist, arguably corporatist party. It is not the party of Obama anymore. Now it is divided between corporatists and socialists. It would be inaccurate to call them status quo now, at least on the social end of things, considering all of the changes they are trying to embed into society.
I am not sure if that is the case anymore. In many countries, like the U.S., the left and right have moved, and the center is not really represented by any party anymore. And considering the economy and the problems they see in society, the center wants change these days, not the status quo.
Sounds interesting, but how would these currencies be translated into fiat currency (USD, EURO, YEN, etc.)? Because ultimately people need to pay for housing and food with their country's chosen currency, and that is one of the main reasons why people sell stuff.
Please! He's probably the only person fit for the job.
Interesting. So, basically allowing both.
It is good to have open discourse, but generally with things like this, the most vocal and active people determine what is acceptable or not. Rules or not, when everyone in a community disagrees with someone, most people go somewhere else sooner or later. Unless they are a troll or evangelist or masochist.
Open discussion can work in some communities, but there has to be a mutual interesting in finding the truth. If, instead, everyone is out to promote their agenda, it does not work so well.
Flat earth? Were they trolling or really believed that stuff? A lot of flat earthers are just trolls that don't even believe what they are posting. They're just trying to get a reaction.
they, like many centrists, have trouble discerning where their ideology begins and ends.
I thought a centrist was someone between "Don't be Stalin" and "Don't be Hitler."
That seems to be the main issue. They have millions or even billions of dollars to invest in a nice UI. We have volunteers and developers who have a day job. Hard to compete.
If the Ukraine was so Nazi, why didn't Russia go to the UN and create a multi-country coalition to remove the Nazis and save the people?
And why would these Nazis elect a Jew?
We actually used to have some form of stakeholder capitalism, at least practiced at a large number of companies. This is before the greedy corporate raiders ruined it, where they made investors the priority. It only existed for a short period, between the abuses of the past, and the abuses of now. But it was long enough where some people enjoyed an entire career.
At these companies, employees used to have jobs for life, pensions, and generous benefits. But then the corporate raiders took that all away. That is also about the time that employee's wages stopped growing and started to stagnate or worse.
Was it perfect? No. But it was better than communism, and better than laissez-faire capitalism, and better than crony capitalism, which we have now.
The good news is that some people are trying to bring stakeholder capitalism back. Many states now have something called a "public benefit corporation" which is legally required to consider all of the stakeholders, not just the investors. These laws would prevent corporate raiders and investors from gutting these companies at the expense of the workers and consumers.
Plus, cooperatives and employee-owned companies have been around for a long time. Both employees and consumers are treated much better at these enterprises than they are at their investor-owned counterparts.
It is a model that works, and must be protected.
In the United States, "lack of transparency" or "not transparent" is mostly used. Although "opaque" is sometimes used in some circles of people.
There are different kinds of capitalism, just like there are different types of socialism.
Authoritarian socialism or communism is the worst, and crony capitalism is what we currently have, and is pretty bad too. But there are things like democratic socialism and stakeholder capitalism which attempt to balance competing interests.
For example, stakeholder capitalism is where all of the stakeholders benefit from their contributions, including labor. Workers get a share of the profits of the company, and are paid well as stakeholders in the company. The workers often own part or all of the company. There are also cooperatives, where the customers own the enterprise. Cooperatives work great for healthcare and necessities like groceries.
People tend to pick the worst examples of capitalism and socialism, but those are not the only flavors.
China suffers from the same problem the USSR did. When you have one party rule, it does not matter how democratic the constitution says a country is. If you can only elect people from one party, and the party determines who can run for office, voters can only select from a list of candidates that are aligned with the party and its leader. This effectively transfers power to the party leaders and away from elected officials and the people.
*Says a new word. Quickly files a trademark.*
The fediverse mostly has two types of people: people who don't want to be part of surveillance capitalism, and those who got banned on centralized social media for bad behavior. Unsurprisingly, the second group causes the same problems here as they did on centralized platforms.
These bullies are going to ruin the fediverse.
@ronflex said:
The problem with left leaning individuals on the internet is we have a lot of drive and conviction behind our ideas which is a good thing, but that should translate into real life activism or doing something that will combat the current political system and promote change. But we are beaten down since that’s basically a total pipe dream, we realize what the problem is and feel powerless to fix it.
In many ways, that's what they want you to believe: that you have no hope to change things, so most people never try. That leaves the powers-that-be in charge.
But the reality is that people have the power to transform the country, and it does not have to be through the government. For example, if you are socialist or communist, you can establish your own communes, cooperatives, and employee-owned enterprises yourself, and it is totally legal! And, there are plenty of them already in existence.
People like to complain that someone else should fix their country, but the reality is, they can do it themselves, even when they have no political power whatsoever. But it takes hard work, and that is something most people aren't willing to do.
As long as you never say anything even remotely political or controversial, you are fine.
But that comes at a cost of self expression. Conform or be cast out (blocked).
@Blaze (he/him) I heard someone mention Blacksky a couple of times. I forgot who, but apparently they are trying to set up alternatives for Bluesky on the AT protocol network.