Posts 0
Comments 7
Horsecock wish gone wrong 26 0
Me riding a giant horse cock after the genie misunderstood my wish.
Reply’s latest move involves taking control of a WP Engine plugin. 2 0
But doesn't that definition apply to the vast majority of people/companies that use WordPress?
Reply’s latest move involves taking control of a WP Engine plugin. 22 1
This is so frustrating as a -very- longtime user and proponent of WP and a current WPE customer. Mullenweg is coming across as petty and out-of-touch with his user base.
People often point to the terrible things in the world as evidence we're living in "the worst timeline". What examples are there of things that suggest our timeline is actually better than it seems? 4 0
Another one is called "Enlightenment Now" by Steven Pinker. I read it a few years ago and found it very encouraging
Why is it such a pain to watch AppleTV+ on PC/ Non-Apple devices? 1 0
I've wondered about this as well. I'm an Apple TV+ subscriber as well as MLS Season Pass. Watching games on my phone is an ordeal. Doesn't seem like a great way to sell subscriptions
How old are you? 13 0
42, the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything