You should be able to follow the devs here
A big problem for me is, that Android is not allowing custom DoT servers. Even though the system supports DoH and is even using it for their built in resolver (Google/cloud flare) Networks that only whitelist TCP 433 (some guest wifis) will fail to use DoT.
I have Kodi running in a docker container with gui (even HDR support) on my otherwise "headless" server. Kodi just has the most flexibility because of it's plugins.
I have two dcs-6100h for 9€ each that work just fine locally. Good ir night vision, very sensitiv mic and USB powered for trips.
Which fom factor do you have? And did you install powertop and tlp? The newer Intel CPUs need a little more power in idle. Old comment as reference:
I had an optiplex 3060 micro with 8500t, 24gb ram and 2 ssds idling around 3-5watts.
One of the few options that allow docker conf via labels. Will try it, currently using caddy.
Warum nicht im Winter 1-2h länger arbeiten und im Sommer dafür 1-2h weniger. So machen das einige spanische Firmen. 6h Tage ohne Pause im Sommer klingt verlockend.