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I am a life long nerd who seems to be perpetually chasing the next bright shiny thing :) I will always be puttering with technology whether I'm paid for it or not :)

I love spending time with my wife and our rescue pup, playing with old computers, reading, and playing video games.

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Comments 14

Why do YOU homelab? Why do YOU Homelab?

The Internet is a Dangerous Place These Days (Introduction) In this day and age, you really are taking a risk if you're not running some form of ad blocking. Heck, even CISA is telling government agen

NVim - kickstart.vim
  • Oh I totally agree. The Lua idioms can be confusing and the documentation ecosystem is currently in a place where if you already know Lua well it's incredibly helpful, but bridging the gap for beginners is a challenge - one worth embracing!

  • NVim - kickstart.vim
  • It's not a distribution.

    It's a bag of Lua files you can use to get started.

    Also, it's not for you :) Users who know enough to hold such opinions aren't the target audience.

  • NVim - kickstart.vim
  • That's not just understandable but how could it be any other way?

    Heck just Vim itself is layer upon layer of powerful functionality. Now layer in the immense potential of Neovim's Lua based plugin ecosystem and client/server architecture? 🤯

    Give yourself the time to learn. Focus on just the things you need to get the task you're doing RIGHT NOW done, then focus later on things that can level up your knowledge and productivity.

    I've been thinking about making Neovim tutorial videos for Youtube. If I did, what kinds of things would be useful to you?

  • NVim - kickstart.vim
  • Hi!

    kickstart.nvim maintainer here, please don't follow the advice given in the video to just dump init.lua into place.

    Please follow the instructions in the README for the repo and git clone it into your $XDG_CONFIG_HOME instead.

    If you just copy pasta init.lua things will break. This is a result of converting Kickstart to lazy.nvim

  • NVim - kickstart.vim
  • Also, it's a bit frustrating. That video is out of date as it's prior to the conversion to lazy.nvim

    You should rather than just dumping init.lua in place actually git clone the repo into your ~/.config directory. There are instructions for that in the README.

  • NVim - kickstart.vim
  • I appreciate your honesty about the README!

    You say it didn't make sense, was it:

    1. Too long so you felt overwhelmed and stopped?
    2. Too complicated in some way? Which bit caused you to stall out?

    I feel like we need to do better here, but also I'm not a writer myself so I could definitely use all the specific feedback we can get.

    Please feel free to file bugs, even if it's "I don't understand what <$tech_phrase> means" or similar. I'll action ever single one of them :)

  • What are your defining memories of computing in the old days?
  • Remember Compute! magazine? :) I Lived for that thing :)

  • What are your defining memories of computing in the old days?
  • So much this!

    I remember having to order tech books from Waldenbooks, and getting blank stares from the clerk, who'd basically tell me they were never going to actually receive it after I'd waited WEEKS.

    Then I finally got to visit QuantumBooks, a technical bookstore in Kendall Square Cambridge, and it was like going to heaven :)

  • What are your defining memories of computing in the old days?
  • Oh MAN those magazine listings!

    I remember my mom, bless her, reading them to me so I could type the bloody things in becauase, being partially blind, I couldn't get the bloody page close enough to my face to properly read the infinite lines of DATA statements :)

    And then, years later, they finally came out with checksum programs so you could see a number at the end of each line and compare it with what was in the magazine.

    Crazy to think back, innit? :)

  • What are your defining memories of computing in the old days?
  • For me as a kid growing up in the 80s, it's absolutely walking into Radio Shack (my favorite place in the mall next to the arcade!) and seeing a TRE-80 Model II set up for demo.

    Kind of intresting as I think about it that I ended up not going for a Tandy computer and instead bought an Atari ;) No regrets. I still adore my 800XL!

  • Hello world! - Please introduce yourself here
  • Greetings everyone! I'm new to the SDF but an old UNIX fart from wayback with a fascination for the intersection of art and computing and the creative applications of technology.

    Totally love the community and really appreciate all the hard work that goes into it! I hope to be able to help out as I get more familiar with the lay of the land.

    I'm a devops engineer with MIT Online Learning by day and I love tinkering with old computers, gaming, and spending time with my wife and our rescue pup by night :)

    Please take care and look forward to chatting with you all!

  • On the off chance someone hadn't heard of it - Fujinet is amazing!
  • I had absolutely never heard of this. Super cool! I unfortunately don’t own any of the supported platforms but this is awesome regardless.

    No problem! You don't need to own the hardware. You can use the pre-built fujinet-pc if your platform is supported, or just run Altirra (works fine from WINE if you're not on Windows) and install the fujinet SIO adapter.

    It's pretty cool stuff getting on the internet with an emulated atari running an emulated fujinet IMO :)

  • On the off chance someone hadn't heard of it - Fujinet is amazing!

    This project really showcases the power of open source and passionate people building something for the sheer joy of it :)

    It's basically an EP32 chip with a tiny smidge of custom hardware that's been programmed to speak the serial protocol of quite a number of 8 bit machines.

    I have one for my 800XL and that speaks Atari's SIO protocol.

    The depth and breadth of software for the thing is amazing, and overall I find the whole project incredibly inspirational.

    Lately, they've been on a kick of creating a project where they've instrumented classic Atari games to post high scores on the internet, with a website 'lobby' where you can sign up to play games online with others.

    Totally love mine, and which I had a bigger house so I could have an Apple II and a C64 and get the Fujinet for those platforms as well :)

    For all Amiga fans out there, you can look through Amiga Computing Magazine issues from back in the day.
  • Not just Amiga either :) The Internet Archive has a VAST collection of Retro magazines. I know there are a ton for the Atari 8 bit as well.

  • The future of Vim
  • Same here. I feel like this is one of the best power moves ever for Devops/SRE/Platrform engineering types who need to actually work on real live servers and can't always drag their entire configuration corups around with them.