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  • Liking it here so far, but it would be a really good thing to enable downvotes. I hope you reconsider it!

  • The Guardian view on danger at sea: The contrast between the frantic hunt for a missing submersible and the failure to save migrants drowning in the Mediterranean is illuminating
  • Capitalist media only cares about sexy tragedies and expensive dangers. Focusing on 500 poors gasping their last breaths far from view only serves to remind viewers of how unfair things are on a basic level - and that threatens power.

    The thing is, I've never seen such an overwhelmingly bored response from the general public to a Sexy Tragedy like this before. The only person in my life who expressed any iota of distress over the Titan is my dear mother, but she cried when we dropped off our old TV at Goodwill, so.

    People are, I think, getting a little bit harder to trick with the song-and-dance of the hyper-rich dying in outstanding ways.

    “When the rich are too rich there are ways, and when the poor are too poor there are ways... This is one of the ways when the poor are too poor. When the rich are too rich there is a way, and if I am not mistaken, that way will come soon.” - Pearl S. Buck

  • Did this site live and die in 4 days?
  • The only way I'd go back to reddit at all is if they entirely walk back their new API rules and if Spez steps down.

  • My multiple reddit accounts begging me for deletion

    The end of Reddit? Why the blackout is still going – and what happens next
  • Add a month to the blackout each time Spez refers to Reddit's employees as "Snoos"