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  • True, but also friends and family are usually either same age or older. ( as in the other response) I assume parents would prefer to have grandchildren, so they would not apprecheate your anti children sentiment spread by you to they're children.

    True, adoption is also a good thing generally. But to help the genetical pool be diverse and healthy some children of your own wouldnt be bad.

  • rule
  • That implies someone had given birth to them. ( No everone has niblings.)

    And who said that they're parents would allow you to teach em your world view? ( Especially as those parents did create children and you didn't. Hence I presume they would also like to have grandchildren. And you would discourage that.)

  • rule
  • I do, and I agree. But also there is much more significant impacts to our enviorment. (Buildings, Planes and Cars for example). And If we stop producing offspring because of "moral" reasons, people without such reasons will create offspring and spread theyr world view to the next generation. And the next generation will still have the issues but now with less people that are able / intrested in solving the enviormental issue. ( Idocracy scenario).

  • rule
  • I guess its up to you if you think that your world view is not worth spreading.

  • rule
  • Moscow attack: Russian court charges four men with act of terrorism
  • Which rules?

    Additionaly u are giving them more visibility, as uncommented statements are creticless, people rather read those.

  • Moscow attack: Russian court charges four men with act of terrorism
  • Well dont stop, continue. Only in dialogue can we defeat our differences.

    Otherwise you seperate and isolate people, and strengthen they're belives.

    There are people that you can show all the facts and logic and proof and they are not going to believe. Those people I refer to as stupid. ( I dont call em that. No need to be rude). Dont be such a person yourself.

    Hence, always try to engage in dialogue and be flexible enough in your worldviews. But also know some people are not and there is nothing you can do.

    But other people reading this will see you be right.

    Nazbol? What does this dead movement have to do with anything?

  • I guess this isn’t news to anyone, but I just thought of it
  • That is true we need to fix the problem. So in your analogy you would've stopped giving the person pain medication?

    And how is the person crippled by pain supposed to stand, walk or excercise without pain medication?

    I get it addition to pain medication is bad. I would assume most people know that, even those addicted. But the alternative is those people succumbing to pain, which would prevent any improvments.

    Hence, yes I agree. Just throwing around money is not going to be the solution, but so is also not giving any.

  • Moscow attack: Russian court charges four men with act of terrorism
  • Zuber eats argument can be criticized without using Ad Hominems.

  • Moscow attack: Russian court charges four men with act of terrorism
  • Nice that the SBU chief told in an interview on the 27th how the planning and execution of those murders was done. So there is your link.

    Tho I do not share the views of the blogger. Innocent people that where not involved in any hostilities did get harmed.

    Additionaly deliberate killing of noncombatants based on they're race, views or political motivations, etc. using military funds is a warcrime.

  • France raises security to highest level after attack in Russia, worried about IS
  • Typically this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.


    Please go inform yourself before participating in any discussion.

  • I guess this isn’t news to anyone, but I just thought of it
  • I agree that incorrect administration of welfare can lead to that. But thats also the politicians job to manage.

    Thats also comparable to saying I don't visit doctors I fear a mistreatment.

  • France raises security to highest level after attack in Russia, worried about IS
  • Nice ad hominem.

    Please read the scentence again. There is a "EVEN IF" and not a "THAT".

  • Moscow attack: Russian court charges four men with act of terrorism
  • Killing civilians by planting bombs in statues is not asymetric warfare.

  • Moscow attack: Russian court charges four men with act of terrorism
  • No, but you can clearly see the facial structure, clothing, shoes and other factors that any agency would use for.identification.

  • We honor those who push unproven science..
  • "Nowdays there are many new dangers in the forest, like furries and feet lovers." ~ Bigfoot

  • XXX
  • Wendigoon's serial killer tierlist. Makes me also sleepy.

  • I guess this isn’t news to anyone, but I just thought of it
  • You do. But not the politicians who actually get it into law. Also who has decided you are the spokesperson of the pro life movement?

  • France raises security to highest level after attack in Russia, worried about IS
  • Maybe, but even if the terror attack just pure Ukrainian special forces. It was done under the ISIS flag. Hence there is a threat of a new ISIS attack.

    (To show that they are still there or to proof how they actually behave.)