I had Toon Twister 3D where you made remixes of Nicktoons, and that was the big gimmick too.
Ugh, I hate Discord. I'll pass on that, thanks.
Does that have a chat?
What is that from?
To prevent trolling?
It's spelt Canada. It even says so on their website. https://www.canada.ca/en.html
@grant Make it 10 seconds.
The gap should be 10 seconds, with penalties of 60 seconds.
This is my opinion. Sue me if you don't like it.
I have the right to my opinion. Sue me.
10 seconds, 60 second penalty. Be reasonable.
But it takes forever. Next time make it 10 seconds.
Then keep the penalty the same. It's actually worse for a penalty of 60 seconds on 10 second gaps.
Why is there a longer gap between different colored pixels?
White takes 30 seconds and any other color takes 60 seconds. Why can’t it be something reasonable like 10 seconds for all colors so you're not spending an eternity drawing something? Y'all must have spent half a day on your paintings.