At no point have I denied Holocaust or Holodomor or any of the other ghastly things Russia and Nazi Germany did.
Intent matters more, just because ruzzians[1] are inept doesn't make it less punishable.
[1]:happy now that I have narrowed it down to only those who actively support it instead of the vast majority who just passively support it?
Whataboutism doesn't bite on me.
A good part of the ethnic Russians fight on Ukrainian side. If you weren't aware, for a lomg time Russian was the official language of the Azov Battalion.
But you go on believing Russian lies even after Prigozhin has admitted openly that all the stories were a lie.
So easy to beat someone when you leave out half the sentence:
I wrote "Tell me one thing Hitlers regime did that Putins regime hasn't done on a smaller scale".
And yes, Putin hasn't done the holocaust, because they thankfully aren't well enough organized to do that.
The rhetoric is there as I already mentioned. The smaller scale "disappearances" of civilians Nacht und Nebel style and experiments on larger scale exterminations like Olevnika are there.
Word plays won't get you anywhere.
And if it it racist to point out that Putins regime is evil but thankfully dumb then so be it.
Someone would probably tried to arrest me for hate speak against the nazis too.
I don't see the link here.
Yeah, why not let Hitler Putler occupy us?
I mean: how bad can it be?
Oh the tired arguments of ruzzians.
This is about cracking down on leaders who haven't thrown out leaders under them who have been corrupt.
This is a good thing.
And that whole argument: why aren't you on the frontlines is so tired, and didn't make sense in the first place.
Who wants an old Norwegian who barely knows both Russian and Ukrainian on the frontlines when he can be at home financing drones and telling his government to step up support?