look at that stupid flag
it makes you sign in to see it hahaha
i think if you ask that question, itll result in abolishing the minimum wage, in the usa anyway
does stapler really mean forklift, and lager really mean storage, in german?
i get a lot of simpsons pictures in the image results for some rsn
i get it, i collect them too. but only retail releases. no way to control the quality if the source isnt authoritative.
to me, if youre 1-to-1 copying a retail blu ray, then authoring isnt required. if youre ripping it and compressing it (losslessly or otherwise), keep it on a nas for easier access. but if youre downloading a movie from the web and burning it, i dont see the point, since its already been compressed most likely, or at least you cant be sure its a great copy. especially with the audio side.
i knew a guy who used to make full backups of redbox blu rays for archive purposes. that made sense to me.
as to why might you be trolling, well, this is the kind of troll post id make haha
if this isnt a troll, then you are one of a dying (pretty much never existed) breed
burning dvds or copying vhs tapes made sense years ago bc you needed a converter to plug your computer into a tv, and the quality was iffy. now most machines and tvs are compatible with hdmi, so going from digital to physical is like printing a mapquest route and taking a picture of it with your phone
edit: sorry i didnt provide a soln
i have no idea what to think about this, but im in favor of crazy new ideas and directions. will this be good?
okay i got it now.
was something wrong with the mirror i was using? if so, is there some way to know if i have a "lesser" mirror? or was the arch linux world just going thru a major update today and i had to wait it out?
so... i did another reflector refresh and then did an Syyu. Now this is happening...
this is with the mirrorlist shown in the picture below. not sure why i'd be getting almost 3 gigs of updates right now. i've been updating this and using this machine daily for months on this installation. when that is complete i'll try for python-polib again.
about 15 ruby packages got replaced with extra/ruby just now too.
that asciicinema thing is super cool too
pacman -Qi python | grep Architecture
Architecture : x86_64
yep, dns points me to and i can get there by hostname and address thru the browser. i spun up a new live arch session i built with archiso. still can't get a hit thru pacman tho. really can't explain it.
absolutely. i've tried this on two x86 systems as well, my desktop and laptop. if there's no quick fix or obvious problem, i'm not above doing a full reinstall to fix this.
i'll spin up a vm to test too
Server = https://arch.mirror.constant.com/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://mirrors.rit.edu/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://us.mirrors.cicku.me/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://america.mirror.pkgbuild.com/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://mirrors.vectair.net/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://mirrors.lug.mtu.edu/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://arch.hu.fo/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://archmirror1.octyl.net/$repo/os/$arch
no luck. still getting: error: target not found: python-polib
python-polib moves from aur to extra
Hi all,
I have reason to believe a package I use (python-polib) was moved from the aur to the official extra repo. I'm now having trouble getting it installed.
The old page gives a 404: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python-polib This now seems to be the right source for this package: https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/any/python-polib/
However, I do a # pacman -Syyu python-polib
and pacman can't find the target. Do I need to do something here that I'm missing?
My pacman.conf includes the "extra" repo and it updates during the Syyu command.
Pipe wget output into bzip2 for decompression
Hi all,
I'm trying to put a command together to download a bz2 archive containing an img file and decompress it immediately, basically without saving it to the filesystem. Can this be done?
This is what I've come up with so far, but it's incomplete: wget -qO- "https://opnsense.com/.../img.bz2" | bzip2 -dv
Background: Trying to install OPNsense on Linode. Their hacky official guide says the best way to install FreeBSD is via the rescue mode. But FreeBSD posts their images as .img, so the filesystem size limitation of 1GB for the rescue image isn't an issue. But with OPNsense I need to decompress it.
I have a few different options on how to install this but I see it as a good reason to learn more about stdin/out, piping commands, etc.
Thanks in advance.