They are generally on par with uhc from my experience with them
Foolish hyperbole only feeds into their propaganda, don’t take the bait. Be measured and precise, clumsy blows will only help your enemy.
And that does not usurp the judicial branch as stated above.
The EO constrains itself to the executive branch, judicial employees are not subject to it.
With recent supreme court rulings there is nothing the law can do to stop him because he is immune while acting as president. His goons are effectively immune as well with preemptive pardons. We’ve reached an impasse where the law is no longer relevant. Short of armed rebellion I don’t see a way out of this.
Mine has some food control issues so I feed them 2-3 times a day wet food. Free fed or not she vomits every now and then, pretty sure cats just puke because I’ve never had one that doesn’t a few times a year. She cries if I forget to feed but other than the transition from free feeding she got used to the schedule in a few weeks.
lol it was always just extra income tax to anyone under 40. Only fools expected to see that money come back.
Well in this case the president is, and anyone in his service that he’d pardon.
Who the fuck cares about spoiling a vote between mask off and mask on fascist. The democrats are lost we need real leadership.
And anyone enacting trumps orders. They’ll just plead guilty and take the pardon so they can get back to corrupting the nation before dinner.
I’ve seen a lot of peaceful protest in my life, and it’s never changed a damn thing. Unless ppl want to start fighting for it I’ve written the country off
Subarus are pretty easy to kill, the telematics unit sits under the head unit and comes out in about 15 minutes, 30min and a $60 harness total for the job
Why support a party that only pretends to give a shit. Vote for or against and you won’t get what you want so who fucking cares
Protons ceo is publicly promoting trump and so are public proton accounts
Tello, because T-Mobile got greedy. I pay $50 for the same level of service that cost $150 previously.
Good thing knowledge of the law is not requisite to being punished for breaking it..