1977 here, we had to be raised by the boomers alone - with no Internet, mobile phones, and left outside all summer until it was dark (which wasn't that bad mostly).
What we were sold on growing up and what actually happened when we became adults was very different.
That all helps, thanks! I didn't realize it with Mint - I'm more in line with Linux muscle memory 😁
Mac for work, Windows for my last role (15+ years IT), Linux was my daily driver for home (Ubuntu on desktop, Xubuntu on laptop) until my Win10 desktop (which is next in line for an OS replacement)
Work system, have to return it next year for the new cycle but they just wipe it - which I already did (oops) and to reinstall I'd need a reinstall key (and don't want the hassle, already tried).
Thanks, I'll check that out! I'll take finicky over bricked, at this point it's just to see if I can get it to work for a couple months ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Oh nice! Yeah, I tried the Mint (Cinnamon) live distro and couldn't get the wireless to show, for starters. There seemed to be a lot of hoops to jump through, and I used to just throw a distro on HW and figure it out. Apple is a different beast, and since I wiped it I couldn't pull anything.
I'll try Endeavour next - not tied to any distro, just familiar with (X/K)Ubuntu most recently (I'm an older bearded Unix/Linux fan, ha). Much appreciated!
I want to! I have a 2019 MBP that had a corporate image on it, I mistakenly wiped the drive before pulling driver stuff off of it.
Wanted to install something like Mint but saw all the driver issues without having access to the original OSX files. Haven't looked into many other distros yet
Suggestions welcome, any Linux distro is worth trying since it's still a solid piece of hardware.
I forgot about that game!
I just checked a couple of the editors I use, and this has been the only one that's offline first and no tracking - Markor:
I haven't used it a lot but it's been fast and easy to use.
Just Cause 3, with the additional DLC. I've been through all of it three full times, slowly plugging through a fourth (when time allows)
Agreed on Old Fashioneds. We make them with bourbon, sometimes rye to change it up, and throw in some orange bitters
From the first section:
Under the test, burgers, Frosties, and other menu items will have “dynamic prices,” costing more during times of increased demand.
Reminds me of this too -