In your num and nav layers you have to change the codes of the opposite layer tap keys. So in your num layer change MO(nav) to MO(chez) and for your num layer change MO(num) to MO(chez). So once you are in either layer hitting to other tap key takes you to your chez layer.
You're right, I really should
Nice Schiff ;-) Do you want to add a pic from the inside, showing the silk?
I stumbled upon your dactyl PCBs the other day and thought they were a pretty neat idea. What are the intended LEDs for per key RGB? SK6812 Mini-e with the small legs?
Geist's KLOR might still be the best MX split on the market. Has everything one could wish for.
Ich nutze für solche Aufzeichnungen eine freie App namens Jepster. Die kommt auch ohne Cloud Gedöns aus und lässt sich ggf. auch mit Sensoren erweitern. Das Handy hat man eh immer dabei. Falls du etwas eigenständiges suchst sollten die kleinen Sigma Sports Rox (2.0 oder 4.0) deine Anforderungen erfüllen .
Interested to see how that works. What I've heard so far from diy dactyl/Skeletyl builds is that the curvature of the flexible PCB makes some glue or similar necessary.
Awesome routing. The strict straightness fits very well with the ortho layout.
Do you know of any projects that include the PCBs for the switches? I've only found the controller PCBs so far.