I farmed Grendel again recently because I needed the subsume ability and both times I used the hildryn method and it still worked.
It is possible to skip adding elemental ward, just will be killing things a bit slower. Important now if the player is new, I think I saw this week duviri curcuit was hildryn and could get the haven augment mod with it.
I did bring a hammer this time in anticipation of eximus units being too tough to kill and some were. I don't remember being in danger of getting killed though.
But bloody hell this mission can be a bore at 20 min survival or the 800 cryotic excavation that barely spawns the right mobs to charge the excavator.
Steam time? I'm over twice that and only have 2 blueprints so that sounds about right.
It has been a bit slow with not many people posting, but I'll keep coming back since I stopped using Reddit. Also visiting warframe forums but not used to the format after using reddit for so long.
Got a chance to use kullervo on a steel path kullervo run. Seems nice, going to need proper mods to get him going, since I kept running out of energy. Kullervo boss fight is barely a fight even on steel path, I hit 1 with my kullervo and just wiped a health bar from the boss. I had a prisma skana with incarnon, so that could be why. After that I still have to fight the orowryrm so you get some pathos clamps back.
At the end I got 6 kullervo bane thingies that will go towards buying the warframe and shotgun parts. Got 4 for normal mode. They don't show up until you exit after you kill orowyrm.
On a third steel path run I tried to fight kullervo with drifter and seems a lot more challenging. Pistol did very little damage. Using gauss I had to attack a few times with a heavy attack hespar to take a health bar. Nearly wasn't enough to take down 2 health bars, since transference is still counting down while the cutscene where the next kullervo appears happens, but you can still move during the cutscene and maybe attack. Only got 5 kullervo banes, which is less than what they say on the wiki (of course info is still being gathered). Apparently the new node is bugged for steel path, if you fight kullervo in steel path duviri experience it gives the correct amount of kullervo bane.
Wally. It has been how many years and he keeps showing up every once in a while, sometimes freaking me out. Can't wait to get rid of him.