Without being directly involved, the media / news / social media is the only information anyone has access to if you don't know someone with first hand knowledge and even that is probably anecdotal. So that is unfortunately impossible to avoid.
There's certainly justification for comparing self serving military actions of the US. It doesn't make it right whoever is doing it. It's hard to see this as directly comparable, but I am sure I don't fully understand the situation so I am hesitant to argue details. But from an uninformed perspective it seems difficult to deny who is the aggressor who could just stop at any time.
"Warmonger bad" FTFY
Blame those who start and continue wars. It's not entirely the fault of any one country, but there's only one leader who could put a stop to this latest one.
Conditions? yeah like that's not just going to inject needed capitol for an extended conflict so they can keep it going at this point. I don't like how tangled up the world is getting in to this mess and I definitely don't like how much it's impacting civilians, but sanctions is clearly not the ONE thing keeping this war going, it was a response to it. It certainly didn't start it and it's clear that some leaders value pride over logic. Money isn't solving that issue (more or less) now that it's started even if it started as a distraction from economic problems. Whatever that leader is telling the people, he's the only one who can end this. We need to end this mess. I'd encourage you to be open minded about what factors are keeping this war going, but I understand that's hazardous in some parts of the world.
I've noticed this even when trying to find the name of a song. I used to be able to search:
lyrics "a specific part of the song I remember" whatever random words I can remember out of order
and it would very reliably find songs, even obscure ones. Now the only way it works is if I happen to remember part of the name of the song, usually it's full of entries for the same popular song that has one word in the title that I included that is definitely not what I'm looking for.
It sounds stupid, but I really miss that working.
Keep in mind that posts removed by moderators are visible and documented on this and every federated instance of Lemmy. Please urge your fellow mods to be more professional going forward and improve their de-escalation skills. There is certainly unfair criticism, but some of that criticism has been well earned.
I'm sure that moderation is a difficult and mostly thankless (and probably pay-less) job, but there's still a point at which being toxic undoes the positive contributions of a moderator. Please try to use this as an opportunity to build a better community and consider some self improvement as well.
There is no one among us that couldn't benefit from personal reflection.
If you treat people with hostility they will likely react in kind.
These sentiments are engrained in Trek (new and old), it would be wonderful if we could consider those lessons in our daily lives.