dermanus @
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Comments 4
One of the best things I've seen from Alberta in awhile dermanus 8 0
Here's an idea: we hold firm on our tariffs and take the fight to the Americans. How do we do that?
Troll the hell out of Trump. Get him doing so many insane things his people aren't able to manage the crazy.
Bonnie Crombie says she won’t ask any Ontario Liberals to step aside so she can have a seat dermanus 2 0
Translation: Bonnie Crombie has no safe seats in which she can run.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services proposes to review social media of people applying for US citizenship, green cards, and asylum or refugee status, to comply with Trump's Executive order. dermanus 12 0
I don't think there's such a thing as an unbiased AI. They're all biased based on the input data.
Something like this would be inherently subjective, it's not a pure data question with a clear yes or no.
Is anyone planning a career change due to trade war dermanus 7 0
I don't know about Alberta, but in Ontario your pay is directly related to your seniority and that doesn't carry over between provinces. So you would be taking a pay cut if you moved provinces, maybe a big one if you've been at it awhile.