It's possible leftpad was an example Randall was thinking of, but the date of the comic is Aug 17, 2020, more than 4 years after leftpad.
Yeah, that's great! I've got an old HP desktop that a family member discarded that will be the start of mine.
Do you use a single docker-compose.yaml file for an entire machine, or docker-compose files per-app?
What does your infrastructure look like?
In the What are YOU self-hosting? thread, there are a lot of people here who are self-hosting a huge number of applications, but there's not a lot of discussion of the platform these things run on.
What does your self-hosted infrastructure look like?
Here are some examples of more detailed questions, but I'm sure there are plenty more topics that would be interesting:
- What hardware do you run on? Or do you use a data center/cloud?
- Do you use containers or plain packages?
- Orchestration tools like K8s or Docker Swarm?
- How do you handle logs?
- How about updates?
- Do you have any monitoring tools you love?
- Etc.
I'm starting to put together the beginning of my own homelab, and I'll definitely be starting small but I'm interested to hear what other people have done with their setups.