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ProtonPass TOTP question
  • Solved, it was a datetime error... timedatectl set-ntp true resolved my problem.

  • Best Grafana alternative?
  • I switched from Grafana to CheckMK I love how we can create custom scripts and agents are so easy to install.

  • ProtonPass TOTP question
  • As said I already use Aegis, but I want to live without my phone x) and I'm ok with security issues to put passwords and totp at the same place.

  • ProtonPass TOTP question

    cross-posted from:

    > I am alone... or not? > I don't know if it's a bug just for me or not... but anyone already have issues with TOP using ProtonPass? > > Currently I can't use TOTP codes generated from ProtonPass on wesites like, Infomaniak, my CheckMK instance, and few others... > > I put them on Proton Pass and Aegis, 'cause I don't want to put my Proton account 2FA in Proton Pass for security. So as I'm using Aegis, I put all of them into it too. But Proton TOTP code results as erros and Aegis one (which are differents) are ok... > I was thinking about SHA256 and SHA1 but don't seems to be the reason... > > Thanks and if your are in the case, don't worry... You're not alone!


    Firefox Vertical Bar

    Yeah! It's finally here! Okay it's not sexy as some extensions already available but it's a good move!

    Why Prometheus + Grafana over other monitoring options?
  • I was asking myself the same. As everyone talk about these I used them until I discovered ChekMK, and others. Now I'm no longer using Grafana and Prometheus...

  • Server Monitoring software recommendations
  • Same here. I still don't understand why everyone is about Grafana. I've tested it and checkMK is more... Everything.

  • ServerBox
  • Oh I missed it. Yeah really helpful.

  • ServerBox
  • To have informations on my phone home, to easily, from anywhere check/monitor my servers and ssh on them. I selfhost CheckMK, as I'm not a Grafana fan, these tools are fine to monitor and get alerts but don't have apps...

  • ServerBox GitHub - lollipopkit/flutter_server_box: ServerBox - server status & toolbox app using Flutter

    ServerBox - server status & toolbox app using Flutter - lollipopkit/flutter_server_box

    GitHub - lollipopkit/flutter_server_box: ServerBox - server status & toolbox app using Flutter

    cross-posted from:

    > A really nice project which provide charts to display Linux server status and tools to manage server. > > I was using DaRemote only available on Google Play Store, to do that. Recently there was an option to download it and pay it directly to the dev. > > ServerBox is really awesome, in 3 minutes it convince me, open-source, secure access with biometric, select a font, etc...


    ServerBox GitHub - lollipopkit/flutter_server_box: ServerBox - server status & toolbox app using Flutter

    ServerBox - server status & toolbox app using Flutter - lollipopkit/flutter_server_box

    GitHub - lollipopkit/flutter_server_box: ServerBox - server status & toolbox app using Flutter

    A really nice project which provide charts to display Linux server status and tools to manage server.

    I was using DaRemote only available on Google Play Store, to do that. Recently there was an option to download it and pay it directly to the dev.

    ServerBox is really awesome, in 3 minutes it convince me, open-source, secure access with biometric, select a font, etc...

    Matrix Clients for Android
  • There is SchildiChat too.