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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 1
Comments 11
Test environments are for wimps!
  • Then there's my boss who's like just merge it and we'll figure it out. I'm constantly asking him if we should maybe do some user testing, or for the love of God set up a staging environment.

    I have to test the everloving fuck out of everything I do but cause I know it isn't going to get reviewed or tested by anyone but me. I guess that's why he keeps doing it, because very little actually breaks anything but it's definitely giving me more grey hair lol

  • [meta] Thoughts on "I made progress on this"?
  • I think that'd fit this community, everyone who makes stuff knows it's never the straightforward path we think it is to start.

    It's aways something that we could split into another community if it starts being to much, but I think at this point the more making posts, the better!

  • Custom nightlight as a gift!
  • Yep the light is acrylic I beleive. You can use this for glass but you have to be super careful that you have it dialed in well or you'll break it. I've actually been working up the courage to try it haha. I'll definitely post once I'd do!

  • Custom nightlight as a gift!
  • I think you'd probably be able to, there's a few screws on the back. I haven't tried since they fit on my machine with the plug in overhanging the side. And I know right? When I saw them i knew what I had to do haha

  • Custom nightlight as a gift!

    Been playing around with a little cnc mill I got for Christmas. I think these came out cute!
