Wool sweaters made in Germany
Troyer und Seemannspullover von Rymhart für alle, die auch draußen auf natürliches Material nicht verzichten wollen. Wollpulli, Norwegerpulli und Zip Sweater in marineblau und anderen Farben.

Berlin: 160,000 protest against CDU-AfD collaboration
The rally in the German capital comes in the wake of the conservative CDU/CSU leaning on the support of the far-right AfD in parliament to push through a migration bill. Protesters chanted "Shame on you CDU."

Brands like Rolex and Omega will often tout their deepsea capabilities with the Rolex Deepsea Challenge rated to 11,000 meters (36,090 feet) and the Omega Ultra Deep coming in at a lesser but still ridiculous 6,000 meters (20,000 feet) of theoretical water resistance. But what about a cheap Casio of...