No, I haven't seen it. I'd be glad if you would kindly provide me with some evidence, especially if you know the definition of "nazism"
No, I'm not posting anything. Your point?
Get a dictionary and take a look at that word's definition. "fascism" isn't everything you dont agree with.
"harass them mercilessly"
Wow, that's your response to something you don't agree with? Harass them?
Username checks out.
Bro, I'm really curious, are you doing anything else beside spamming every sub with your propaganda?
"Zionist nazis" is the most ridiculous thing I read this month. People like you really lost contact with the reality
Haha, last time, when Facebook was "fact checking" and "fighting disinformation" the Zucc was a hero, now he suddenly supports nazis.
Because musk himself posted those ads, obviously.
What is the point of that article? Let's associate everything negative on Twitter with musk personally because we dont like him?
Funny, I expected to find "Technology" posts here, not political activism.
Inside Mexico they should name it whatever the Mexico calls it. Outside Mexico it should be called however it is called in the respective country.
But again, Google is based in the US, all their decisions are made there.
In case you have forgotten, Google is an American company, every one of their decisions is taken in California. Maybe calling everything you don't agree "fascist" isn't a smart idea, since it shows that you have no idea what the meaning of that word is.
Oh, I mistyped a word, while writing on my phone. That means I'm wrong, who did I miss that?!
Its also funny how you say Trump "is infiltrating and tearing down government departments". Bro, he's the president, everything he's doing it's in his powers. Did the previous president also "infiltrate" the government departments?
He's "purging" the DEI hires, the people who are there just because of their skin color or sexual preferences, did you forget how the former white house speaker was "the first gay black woman"? That's the only thing that recomended her.
I'm really curious how Trump being elected by the majority of the Americans is a lie, please enlighten me.
I think Google and Apple should call it whatever the official names are, not to take any sort of political stance.
Since when is the big tech the arbiter of truth? It might come as a surprise to you, but Google and Apple don't care about your holy war against Trump.
Bro, are you ok? "US dictayorship"? Trump was elected by the majority of Americans. How is Trump destroying YOUR planet? By changing the name of the gulf? Is this the biggest problem "your" planet has?
Fukin soypeople...
Haha, seeing you being downvoted for pointing a fact, tell me everything about the people frequenting this sub.
Obviously apple can't be fascist, because Tim Apple is gay!
.. Until they get pressed by the three letter agencies and/or get a large amount of $$$
Its funny how these corpos were praised when they raised the LGBT colors, back then they were the moral compas of the western societies, now they're "fascist".
Maybe people won't forget that the companies would do anything in order to increase profits. They never cared about anyone rights, else they wouldn't use slave labor in southeast Asia, or Sub-Saharan Africa.
It mostly is.
Wow, I'm glad I never had the chance to experience that