Help with matching input strings
Howdy, I'm hoping someone can offer me some insight here because I've been stuck on this problem for an embarrassing amount of time.
I'm using flakes on a NixOS system. The basic outline of my flake.nix I lifted from this repo: I have one system I don't want to include home-manager, so I'm trying to make the home-manager configuration function (homeManagerCfg) in flakeHelpers.nix only be called if the extraModules list includes home-manager (stable or unstable or other).
I've tried everything I can think of so any help would be really appreciated here, thanks.
I don't think I've ever fully realised the depth of feeling I have for emoticons, let alone that there were others out there!
─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ LET'S GO!
Nix flakes vaugely analogous to Docker Compose?
Howdy y'all non-developer trying to understand nix flakes.