clayj9 @
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Comments 4
40% of US electricity is now emissions-free clayj9 11 1
'Natural' gas is just gas. It's not a clean emission free fuel. It's better than coal but by no means a clean fuel.
Solar power and storage prices have dropped almost 90% clayj9 3 0
Thank you! Seeing this more and more often and it drives me insane.
Black Texas student given additional suspension for loc hairstyle clayj9 5 0
Seriously, according to their own shitting rules his hair still doesn't go past the eye brows and below the ear lobes.
Like do they want everyone to have eye height bowl cuts?
People who work from home all the time ‘cut emissions by 54%’ against those in office clayj9 21 0
That's great when it's your choice. The issue is when bosses don't give people the choice.