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carl Carl Schwan :kde:

Hello, I'm Carl. I'm French-German and I currently live in Berlin. In my free time, I contribute to the KDE project where I (co-)maintain multiple applications: Tokodon, Merkuro, Arianna, NeoChat as well as the websites. Previously Nextcloud. Aside from coding, I like cycling, backing and playing board games.

Work at, but opinions are mime and not the one from my employer

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Comments 8
I've been using Global Menu for a while, but since it is less and less supported, I've finally removed the widget.
  • @pretzel6666 @kde Just use sed ;)

    find ~/.config -iname '*rc' -exec sed -i '/Menubar=/d' {} \;

    This should work but you might want to execute the sed command on one file first before running it everywhere as I am on my phone and didn't test it 😅

  • I've been using Global Menu for a while, but since it is less and less supported, I've finally removed the widget.
  • @pretzel6666 @kde it's a classic issue which I thought was already fixed. Are you using plasma 5?

    In any case, check your config files and you should see a Menubar setting which need to be enabled again 😔

  • This Week in KDE Apps is out!
  • @bunitor @kde not really a replacement, more like a simpler alternatives when you don't need everything from Kmail while keeping the compatibility.

  • KDE For Activists
  • @lnxtx @kde It's free for all but it doesn't mean we can't advertise to some special groups ;)


  • "This week in KDE Apps" is out!
  • @palitu @kde It should be available in every distro