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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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What is a human behaviour you've never understood?
  • Having a cat as a roommate, I understand. My arms/hands/ankles are especially unsafe around him... At least the 3-4am blood-curdling screams have stopped. He learned that screaming me into sudden half-awakeness doesn't usually get him food, so I guess there's less reason to do it. 🥲

  • What is a human behaviour you've never understood?
  • That's fair. I guess the risk factor would be what does it for most people who enjoy that, which isn't great. Poly would not be the same I assume, kind of like a TENS unit vs something closer to the "risk of complications" zone, but with trust, instead of current... And I guess the risk of betrayal and ended relationships, in place of being injured or worse.

    Sorry for the semi-morbid and sussy analogy.

    Taking advantage is always a non-option personally, but but hurting others or vise versa is pretty much always fine tbh, as long as consent has been given... It's quite a conundrum! The worst best/worst part is that the hurting can be non-physical as well. I sometimes wonder what having a less cooked mind is like, but it's not easy to imagine.

  • What is a human behaviour you've never understood?
  • A happy-ish medium is a well-captured live performance or jam. Alive 2007 (Daft Punk) is a pretty good example of how that can be a thing, for me at least.

    Music is so hecken different to everyone, talking about it feels odd. Even sound feels/sounds different to a lot of folks, in enjoyable (soft music for a nice vibe, or a loud af chest-rumbling show) and not-fun-at-all (jarring or unwanted sounds, near-total silence for some) ways.

    But yeah, I tend to crave the decibels, because I still have the ability to hear, and must not value it lol... Skull rattling is better to me than unevenly-mixed-in-room jamming, but both can be great in different ways. A fun, more personal experience is nice, but I need sensory overload to recover from, or it's almost not worth the outing.

  • What is a human behaviour you've never understood?
  • Polar opposites exist. Letting a brain melt into stew watching whatever reptitive thing that's happening happen can be relaxing for the holder of said brain. It's like a pureé of thoughtless goopy wonder. Truly an experience to behold...

    Also, competitive gaming is like the nerd equivalent of sportsball. Not bad or anything, but a lot of peeps tend to assume "I like exercise that's fun," means "lets have a battle-to-the-death-style sports game." The same concept bleeds into gaming.

  • What is a human behaviour you've never understood?
  • I definitely agree, dingus. Most cases tend to be kind of sad, and pretty self-centered. Escaping an abusive relationship almost always complicated, and I'm glad for anyone who gets out of them.

    Also, I know someone with a cheating proclivity... The dude is loyal and committed, but enjoys the experience, which is unfortunate for all parties involved, really. At least he knows how to avoid the allure, and is happily with someone he loves.

    Stonger than I am, because if a person told me to give up almost anything I find enjoyable, I'd tell them to find someone else, no matter the type of relationship. Hedonism is only a treadmill when the payoff decreases, which means one is probably bad at hedonic pursuit.

  • What is a human behaviour you've never understood?
  • 2 and 3 are violent crimes, and horrid. 1 tho? Really? How about if it's (hypothetically) cheating on 1 person, whom has cheated multiple times, and lied reptitively about it, to keep doing so? And what if, again very hypotheically, the person who retaliated by cheating did so with say... more than one person, at the same time?

    Edgecases are are to be considered with these things, even when definitely not real life, personal experience. 😶

  • What is a human behaviour you've never understood?
  • Devil's advocate/explainer here:

    Parasocial relationships are real, just one-direcrional, and can lead to really unhealthy tendencies, but don't have to.

    Cheating isn't cute, but can be hot. Hear me out. If cumming became entirely illegal, disallowed, and frowned upon, you can bet your bottom dollar at least ~40% of people would do it more often, just because taboo is the (often fun) flipside of social norms. And social norms suck ass, in a not fun way.

    And mega-wealth isn't a money thing. The pieces of shit get off on power over other people, and use it to generate, or further misery. There isn't much they seem to care about outside of that.

    I'm not about to make a case for bigots though... Fuck that shit lmao.