LibreWolf is annoying in that it doesn't work on my Mac with VPN split tunneling, a seemingly known issue they haven't fixed.
From what I've read/know, the source for Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2 were lost a while ago. Doesn't mean it can't be reverse engineered at some point, but it's challenging. I'd LOVE for those to be next though!
One of my all-time favorite groups - wild to see them come up as a random question lol. You're right, they're just ... Cozy. And have always just kinda done what they've done.
BS suffers from the same issue, no variation in the content is what makes me not want to partake.
Isn't the whole thing about BlueSky that your feed is your feed though? You actively select and curate what you want. So if you want new music, games, comedy - follow new music, games, and comedy. Sure, those accounts might then post other things sometimes, but by and large, that's my understanding of BSky.
The TV/mobile apps vary wildly in their capabilities and performance. Swiftfin is better for iOS devices, but not sure about AppleTV. That's my main gripe with Jellyfin overall.
Ooh I'd be interested in that too. Then again, never a bad time to start some comic series.
Feedly isn't bad.
Truly, it really isn't that bad after about 10 minutes of tweaking. For all complaining I see in the PCMR spaces, you'd think it needed much more. Should it have to be done? Probably not. Am I glad it can be and there's plenty of tools (really only 2 needed) to make it look feel and behave like Win10? Yes. Is the Win10 EoL the same as darling XP's? Also yes, which makes much of this even funnier to me.
This is great, thank you!
Blame Match Group - they own almost all of them.
Yes, AND STILL - for someone whose only connection to those communities is online, still really sucks. Hopefully they reform elsewhere after the eventual implosion.
Infinity is/was my favorite for Reddit on Android, and Voyager is close enough. Just frilly enough, images/videos embed okay (though need some improvements to saving/downloading), and it just works.
99% sure - all the messages say "this action was performed automatically" and if I DO get a reply to a service ticket via email, it says "Thank you for your request, it has been received!" Which means they're continually closing the ticket I'm replying to asking for help.
With discord, though, the "server" part is largely hidden from the user or at least transparent - that's the thing. It simplifies the same concept into something more tangible.
I just wish you had recourse for false (or maybe even correct, but heavy handed) bans, and it's still the largest gathering place for many communities - retro games, queer communities, other adult interest (not just pornography) spaces, local events/happenings, so it's really terrible to just be completely shut out of all of that. Whether voluntarily or not. (In my case not.)
👏👏👏 Very well said!
This exactly. Once I dove in and stopped reading, it oddly made more sense to me.
The problem is, and was for me too - that's not how people think of email. Saying "pick a server" is really arcane for most people, even "pick a domain." The fediverse as a whole has a terminology and jargon problem it still hasn't completely reckoned with, or at least figured out.
All of mine were just unilaterally banned at the same time. "Repeated, multiple violations of the content policy. Refer to messages in your other accounts as to why." No account had details as to why. I suspect it has/had something to do with my work VPN.