blarg_dunsen @
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How to demonstrate to people the importance of privacy by showing the data collected about them? blarg_dunsen 4 0
Nah, the horror comes from how much data people leak online.
How to demonstrate to people the importance of privacy by showing the data collected about them? blarg_dunsen 15 0
If it's worth $3 to you, I recommend "Take This Lollipop".
It used to be free, but I guess they gotta eat too.
It's basically a creepy interactive movie that uses a person's own personal data to scare them about privacy and what they put on the net.
Was thinking of creating a honeypot blarg_dunsen 31 0
People were close, but what you actually want is OpenCanary. It fakes SSH and Samba services and can be configured to alert you when triggered.
Parmigiano-Reggiano makers are putting edible microchips the size of a grain of sand into their 90-pound cheese wheels to combat counterfeiters blarg_dunsen 11 0
So when all those conspiracy nut jobs said that Big Pharma will put microchips in you, they were just out by a letter!