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bitterseeds :arch: bitterseeds

FOSS Geek, Sr. SRE, and mech keyboard snob.

Posts 1
Comments 3
[Solved, short of] Issue with Dolphin folders icons
  • @ColdWater Same for me. I think it's a bug in 6.3.x as I tried several icon packs with the same weird result.

  • Can KDE Plasma restore apps in their last workspace and activity?
  • @lascapi @QuazarOmega You can set rules for a lot of options for application windows.

  • _community @kde\_community

    Any news on when folks like me will be able to eject physical media without KWin crashing and restarting each time? Some of us still watch or rip physical media. :(

    "This week in KDE Apps" is out!
  • @palitu @kde

    pacman -Syu murkuro

    Should do it. Change the beginning based on your distro.