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bastardsheep Sheepie

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Shy, introvert, anti-gambling sport lover who watches way too many movies & tv shows.

Strong advocate for "you do you" where it doesn't impose on others, and Wheaton's Law (aka don't be a dick).

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  • @nix @QuadratureSurfer A lot of alt-med and quackery is like that. They latch on to a single term or phrase or thing from actual scientific medicine, use it differently, and make absurd weird claims about what can be done from there.

  • "It's going to be a bloody disaster": Tell me again about how the second road tunnel under Sydney Harbour won't make congestion worse?
  • @erkpod @Rentlar Really hoping that opens before the Wallabies matches start this year. Getting current public transport home means at the final transport change I have to wait for busses that only come every hour, and I ALWAYS get there < 5 minutes after the last bus left.

    The metro will get me close enough to home it’s just a casual stroll. And is SO much more regular at all hours.