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baris <baris>

I talk to computers all day. Sometimes they talk back

👋Hey chatgpt, I am a co-founder of NodeBB!


Posts 2
Comments 21
Nodebb version Mongo db
  • Minimum mongodb version is 3.6 and that is ancient you will be fine with the latest of both Redis and MongoDB. You can use both if you want, select mongodb during installation and then add a redis block into your config.json to use it for session handling. We have examples at

    v4.0 didn't have a lot of breaking changes like v3.0 so all plugins that were updated for 3.x will work for 4.x.

  • How do I upload a picture
  • It's at manage privileges section


  • How do I upload a picture
  • Uploading files/images is part of core, if the user has the upload privilege then the upload image button will show up in the composer.

  • Help please
  • Those are just build warnings, you can ignore those. What do you get when you run node app.js

  • Child themes repo?
  • Yes you can fork a child theme and make your own changes.

  • Ads and popups
  • That plugin is only for google adsense, depending on how your ads work you could embed them as html widgets. Those allow adding html and javascript.

  • Ads and popups

    You can place ads in widget areas.

    Widget visibility can be controlled by group in the ACP, place a widget and then select only the guests group if you want to show it to them.

  • Header code not showing up
  • There is a toggle at the bottom to enable it, did you turn it on?


  • nodebb-widget-essentials
  • What's the output when you run npm audit? If they are direct dependencies we can upgrade them.

  • Beautiful Mind (a forum migration story!)
  • @phenomlab how dare you! win95/98 is peak UI design :laughing:

  • Who is using NodeBB?
  • I wrote a plugin that makes updating this list easier. We used to update the OP when people posted new urls but it was time consuming and urls that no longer worked just stayed there forever.

    From now on if you want to submit your NodeBB forum you can do so at, before you submit make sure your NodeBB is running and publicly accessible. I also pull some additional data like description and keywords so make sure you set those in your ACP. Starting 4.0.3(which this forum is running) it will also pull the brand:logo set in the ACP.

    The table in the main post of this topic is updated dynamically from the submitted urls. If a forum is not accessible it will not show up. A cronjob checks the submitted urls every 6 hours to keep the list updated.

    If you want to see a nicer view with all the information (description, tags, logo) you can visit, since only this forum is running 4.0.3, it shows a logo but as more forums update it will show up there too.

    I updated the list from some of the forums from the original list, if you don't see yours please feel free to submit it from the submit page.


  • New theme setting for Harmony theme
  • It is on master will be released with 4.0.3.

  • Theme confusion
  • /admin/plugins/harmony for the defaults and the users can change their settings at /user//theme

  • Theme confusion
  • You can turn on topic teasers on harmony theme settings. That will show the posts

  • New theme setting for Harmony theme

    You can go to your theme settings and enable a new option to adjust the layout of the topic page.

    One thing that always bothered me in Persona—and to some extent in Harmony—was how far down the main post appeared on the page. This new option helps alleviate that issue. By default, the post bar remains at the top, and the mobile view remains unchanged.

    Here’s a screenshot:


    How to convert content markdown to raw data ?
  • Sounds like you want to convert html back to markdown, NodeBB doesn't provide any builtin function for this. You will need to use something like

  • Markdown settings missing
  • Rebuild and restart after activating a plugin.

  • 410 gone using API
  • Are you running a single nodebb process or multiple?

    Sounds like something is interfering with the cold load of the topic(aka when you press f5). You will have to do some debugging and see what is happening in the topic controller. This is the function that handles loading a topic so put some console.logs in there all the way to res.render() and see if they are all triggered. If they are all triggered then you need to check in src/middleware/render.js the res.render function is there and it's responsible for rendering the html and sending it back to the browser.

  • 410 gone using API
  • Is this a public site? Does the data load when you prepend /api to the topic url?

  • NodeBB at HN
  • We were posted on HN 11 years ago :laughing: I actually saved a screenshot from that day.


  • Who is using NodeBB?

    Let's keep a list of NodeBB installations here :

    |-----------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------| | Ubisoft | The Burrow by DBS | Sea of Thieves | MOZ | Opera |Phantasy Star Online 2 | Ironheart | MangoLassi | Online Soccer Manager | | Team Coaching Global Alliance | MLB The Show Notepad++ Community | Focus Home Interactive |Bleeding Edge | Klockprat | The Daily WTF | OneKite I-doit Community |Ninjabet |Ninjabet Germany | Ninjabet Spain | Ninjabet Brazil | CSBsConnect |Profit Accumulator | OddsMonkey |Internet of Things Onewheel |Suunto | Widora | Basenji | Netgate | Flic Dataclay | Vivaldi | Bitcoin Hrvatska Videostream Community | Sport bikes | Afraid to Ask |Qt | ÁgoraPIC | CryptoFR SVS Learn | Crowdfund Talks | MBAtious Gruppe Adler | Cplusplus |La Cabane Libre ITProTV | Kubuckets | HardLimit NFC Ring | Schönen-Dunk | Narfell | Yesilkart Forum | Maxon | Destiny's Divide Forum MySensors | Meatgistics | Minecraft Forge France |Pure Data Forum | Discuss IMDb | TcgForum ioBroker | My VR | SailfishOS Club | SweetP Productions | Ave Ziomalu | SAES RPG Mitmachim Top | Gamelancer | Plebplace FOG Project | Emerge Australia Community | CasinoMonkey | MH-ET Live | Virtual Exchange | Internet of Water | GTSS Academy |PIER | MyRoute | Next Coder | JSCAD | Cincom | Domegaia| DrawBot | RoboFont Phenomlab | Rusticaland | Quasar Framework Ch2i | Crypto.Pro | TutorPlace |FAForever | Veyon | Python Forum | Discuss Places | Happy US Club| GGG Realms | Sudonix | Planete Warez | | | | The Falcon BMS Community | Wave Anime Radio | Socialpoint Games | J-Novel Club | WLSDM Community | Cyberforums | SysAdmins Zone | Godot Community |

    If you are running your own NodeBB let us know we will add it to the list!
