ayoc @
ayoc @leminal.space
Posts 0
Comments 4
Pepsi suffers the wrath of (Lina) Khan ayoc @leminal.space 20 0
if i remember right reason is a libertarian publication and doesn’t believe in use of government for most things (if any)
Appeals court seems lost on how Internet Archive harms publishers ayoc @leminal.space 29 0
sounds like a good thing, no?
Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th ayoc @leminal.space 6 0
lots of Helldivers still. mostly with randoms, my friends haven’t been playing it nearly as much.
Help needed choosing a good pair of noise cancelling earphones ayoc @leminal.space 6 0
sennheiser always makes good products. i have an old pair of BT 4.50 ANCs that have been kicking for more than 5 years. they’re great