Humanity is my religion. He/him. Support 🇺🇦
\#photography #art #astronomy #nature #science #aviation #scifi #tech #democracy #humanity #BLM #ai #opensource #copyleft #linux #commons #nonprofits #liveandletdie #music
An optimist who carries an umbrella. It's not about how selfish you are; it's about how your selfishness affects others. Post-founder corporations tend to lose their soul. If they had one. Nonprofits are not immune. Human traits are on a spectrum. Education overcomes tribalism.
Sounds like you have a specific set of needs. Changing OSes can be like moving homes or learning to fly a new airplane type. It'll takes time & trial/error to get everything dialed in just right.
Most people I've seen have success with debian-based LTS variants. Debian/Ubuntu /Mint. Long-Term-Support = 5 years or more of consistency. There's broad h/w support for both Debian and rpm-based linuxes, so either flavor would work, but unsure if rpm-based have LTS options.